Tuesday, June 8, 2010

...Can't stop Time...

I just came back from leaving Jeff in Nicaragua this past weekend. I knew it was going to be hard but I did not foresee it being like it was at all. While we were in Nica I was sick most of the time so everything that we had planned to explore and make adventures out of turned into me being sick and bed ridden. We had a lot of good talks because of it though and we started talking about important life lesson's that we had learned from our childhood and how they reflected in our lives now. One that I brought up was the fact that life does not stop for any one - or for any reason. People always wish they could put the world on hold while they get their life in order. At least to be able to give a certain person more time or even one last embrace. It is something that we have no control of and we are often expected to live out life normally no matter the situation we are experiencing. I knew that I was expressing a lesson that I was going to feel on Saturday morning when I got on the plane by myself- but it is still a lesson that is very strong and true. We always wish for that one extra moment as if it can make the impacting difference in our lives.

I know this summer is going to be good for us. I know it is something that God has a bigger plan for than I cannot understand now- and it is probably a potential time to draw closer to Him while I am in a country I do not know the people or even understand the language. This summer has great potential for some amazing Personal, Life, & World growth, so that is how I am going to need to embrace it.

I leave for India in 10 days and in my preparation for the leaving and getting medicated- I have had some interesting reactions to the vaccines. I was part of the 5% of the population that actually contracted a mild form of typhoid from the vaccine- which caused me to be sick while in Nica. I am also on a preventative medication for Malaria and apparently I am allergic to that medication. A rash across my arm and lips 2x their size gave us the direction to stop that medication. I keep telling my mom it's God's way of helping me transition to not having Jeff in the same country because even if he were here, I would not be seeing him with my clown lips. It hurts to laugh, cry, and even to smile- but the Dr. said they should be back to normal in 2 days :-) 

I hope he is right, because this picture was of me trying to smile!