I know this summer is going to be good for us. I know it is something that God has a bigger plan for than I cannot understand now- and it is probably a potential time to draw closer to Him while I am in a country I do not know the people or even understand the language. This summer has great potential for some amazing Personal, Life, & World growth, so that is how I am going to need to embrace it.
I leave for India in 10 days and in my preparation for the leaving and getting medicated- I have had some interesting reactions to the vaccines. I was part of the 5% of the population that actually contracted a mild form of typhoid from the vaccine- which caused me to be sick while in Nica. I am also on a preventative medication for Malaria and apparently I am allergic to that medication. A rash across my arm and lips 2x their size gave us the direction to stop that medication. I keep telling my mom it's God's way of helping me transition to not having Jeff in the same country because even if he were here, I would not be seeing him with my clown lips. It hurts to laugh, cry, and even to smile- but the Dr. said they should be back to normal in 2 days :-)
I hope he is right, because this picture was of me trying to smile!