I am a person who does not like sudden drastic changes, yet at the exact same time, after the change has occurred, I am often thankful for where the experience takes me. I was asked to become a coordinator for this session, and I happily accepted the offer. With that being said, I am now the "Coordinator of Construction" and will be able to take teams out throughout the week to different colonies and to help build a community center at one colony, and perhaps bathroom's at another. Jennie at first was going to go with me and help on my first day as a coordinator (the person in charge) but she ended up getting sick this morning and I went out as the leader of a team solo. I had anticipated that I might have started off by myself and I honestly did not have any worries or concerns with how the first day started.
Each volunteer groups are split into different teams, 1. Medical, 2. Tutoring, & 3. Construction. The team members will stay the same throughout the session, but their jobs will vary from day to day. So today I had team Shakti, which is Tamil for Power. And power they had! It was so amazing to work with the group and to get to know them, all the while throwing bricks from a 6.5 ft. stack and moving it to where the builders could finish cementing the bricks and build them into an outer wall for the community center. We took fun action shots (the workers kept insisting that we throw the bricks to save time) and even though we were hesitant to throw at first- we developed an awesome system that got the job done while also being fun amusement for the Indian's.
The red dressed temple people beamed with excitement and wanted to express that they had helped and that they were people with good intentions. This act was huge for them. Bigger than I think anyone can imagine coming from this culture. The Hindu caste system is the one that declares those affected with leprosy as being untouchables. But to have one temple working to make a difference for those lives is amazing.
The world changes everyday. People change everyday. Life brings new perspectives and new opportunities everyday to make a person's life different.
The constant thought here at Rising Star and in India is:
Did I do enough to make the change that needs to be seen by others that can cause a ripple big enough for the world to change.
Everyday, we are reminded with an enthusiastic "YES." We touch those who are untouchables, we work for and under the direction of a community in need, and we teach as well as love children who were raised as beggar's, never expected to advance in life.