I spent more time with the boys than I did with the girls. My family was 20 boys, so those were the ones that I was able to get to know the best, as well as the older ones in Arthur John’s room. They have SO much personality! Veran (his name is longer, but I call him V) was at school one day and decided to impersonate me. I was at a medical clinic, but I saw pictures when I came back to campus. He had found a staple, and made his own lip ring and appeared to be very proud of himself. A few of the other boys attempted, and Ashook even showed me how hard he had pushed his staple together that it left a bloody imprint in his lip, which was followed by the request to get him one with I went to the junction (the village shopping shacks) that did not draw blood. I laughed with the boys as they beamed with imagination how else they could produce a lip ring with the materials that they had.
Christraj was a boy in my family that was only 5 years old. He was either EXTREMELY hyper and running around the room the whole time, OR he was beyond tired and would cry and whimper because someone had touched his hand. He was such a sweet boy though and he would draw out the way that he said “Yes” in a manner that I would constantly ask him a question requiring a “yes” reply. One night he brought me a piece of paper, and he was in his almost whiny stage, but still had a little bit of energy. After handing off the paper, I began to punch out holes for eyes and found some string in the boys room to use to hold his ‘super hero’ mask on. Even though it was almost bed time, he found the energy to zoom across the room and make all the other boys jealous of not owning their own super hero masks.
Deeven was so much fun! Always the life of the party, while still wanting to have serious conversations. He turned 13 while I was in India, and he is so caring and wanted to make sure everyone was always taken care of, talked to, as well as entertained by his presence. Leigh Anne had brought nail polish at my request so that I could paint my own toe nails, as well as paint the girls. Little did I know, the boys had as much obsession with nail polish as the girls. So many fun stories to tell about this experience! My sister had brought nail polish remover in a tub that had a sponge in it, so you would place your finger in the tub and rub your nail against the sponge and the nail polish would come off. The kids had never seen this kind of remover before, and they all thought it was a magic trick! To see their eyes light up was so fun! And every time they would have this eager expression of amazement and ask for more nail polish so they could do the magic trick.
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